The Hearing Voices Network of WA actively stands by and promotes the following key principles:
- Accepting that hearing voices (and related experiences) are valid human experiences.
- Respecting each person’s framework of understanding and beliefs about their experiences.
- Fostering and enabling the safety and wellbeing of all.
- Promoting hope
- Creating safe spaces to come to and share experiences, and network for deeper connection
- Encouraging people to come together and feel safe in sharing their experiences and coping strategies and come to know that they are not alone.
- Believing in each person’s resilience and capacity to take control of their experiences and recover
- Fostering and supporting self-determination and self-empowerment
- Working collaboratively and inclusively with other services to develop knowledge and use holistic approaches to recovery.
- Encouraging service providers, families and friends to join and connect with us as allies
For more information about the Hearing Voices approach, attend one of our free information sessions or contact us today.