I was born in Bendigo, Victoria, but was only there for a few days before my parents took me on a tour of Australia. Together, we travelled across the ‘top end’, into the heart of the country and then to Europe and the UK before we settled back in the southwest of WA. I spent my early school years in Albany, living among the farmland on the outskirts of the town. My middle brother was born in Albany shortly before we moved to Perth, where my younger brother was born.
My first work was software development in Perth, before I moved to London during the dot-com boom, architecting internet banking systems and travelling the world. When I returned to Perth, I moved into managing technical teams and later earned a promotion into a national role which took me to Sydney. There I completed my Masters and became an internationally accredited commercial Yachtmaster before returning to Perth to care for my ailing father. Here I gained my GAICD and transitioned exclusively into board and related advisory roles.
My father was a doctor, and I have been passionate about health technology throughout my career. I have built and delivered healthcare systems in England, Scotland, Canada and Australia. Along the way, and particularly while caring for my father, I have learned a lot about how important and impactful healthcare services and systems are. I bring to Richmond Wellbeing a purpose, born of that experience, to do the greatest good for those who need it most. I believe my board and technical experience can contribute to Richmond Wellbeing delivering better mental health outcomes for our community.